Exchange Rate Calculator
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terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013
Exchange rate converter calculator
Exchange rate converter calculator
Here some calculators converters to android system.
This is one of the best app in this category,of, exchange rate calculators.
It's a simple Currency Calculator/Converter designed to be easy to use. You can convert more than 150 currencies.
The perfect tool for travelers that need to calculate the exchange in different countries.Features:
- Charts
- Search the currency for the actual location
- cached rates
- currency symbols
- fast & easy
You can find this conveter calculator app at :
The perfect tool for travelers that need to calculate the exchange in different countries.Features:
- Charts
- Search the currency for the actual location
- cached rates
- currency symbols
- fast & easy
You can find this conveter calculator app at :
quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013
Exchange Rate Calculator
Exchange Rate Calculator
What Is an Exchange Rate?
An exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. In other words, it is the value of another country's currency compared to that of your own. If you are traveling to another country, you need to "buy" the local currency. Just like the price of any asset, the exchange rate is the price at which you can buy that currency. If you are traveling to Egypt, for example, and the exchange rate for U.S. dollars is 1:5.5 Egyptian pounds, this means that for every U.S. dollar, you can buy five and a half Egyptian pounds. Theoretically, identical assets should sell at the same price in different countries, because the exchange rate must maintain the inherent value of one currency against the other.
What Is an Exchange Rate?
An exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. In other words, it is the value of another country's currency compared to that of your own. If you are traveling to another country, you need to "buy" the local currency. Just like the price of any asset, the exchange rate is the price at which you can buy that currency. If you are traveling to Egypt, for example, and the exchange rate for U.S. dollars is 1:5.5 Egyptian pounds, this means that for every U.S. dollar, you can buy five and a half Egyptian pounds. Theoretically, identical assets should sell at the same price in different countries, because the exchange rate must maintain the inherent value of one currency against the other.
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